Knowledge Link through Art & Science
KLAS fosters ArtSci exchanges and trans/disciplinary innovation and education whilst also creating a link between Synthetic Biology research groups in leading institutions.
KLAS is an Artist in Residence program (KLAS@MPI).
KLAS is also series of events and encounters, that will be documented and available online for those not able to attend.
Via its plurimous activities and the congenital participation of different stakeholders, KLAS has the intention and propensity to strength knowledge transfer to society.
1. Development of new forms of dialogue
KLAS facilitates cooperation between art, science and society. Through an “Artist in Residence” (AiR) program, which for the first time brings together two different research institutes on a cohesive topic, here “Synthetic Biology”, and opens both institutions for an encounter with artists.
2. Interaction between science, art and society
KLAS aims to break down boundaries and reduce friction, especially in the highly debated and often misunderstood debate on “Synthetic Biology”. Through public commitment, participation of young people and mutual communication, some existing barriers will be removed.
3. Competences and experiences bundling
KLAS fosters confrontation and exchange between participants, whether they come from science, art or other fields and will document this dialogue. Reaching to scholars, undergraduate students by close interaction with school teachers and other members of society it also programed.
To shape a place and space where different ways of perceiving, reasoning, operating can communicate and construct. Rather than codify and register that which is already known, we set out to identify singular visions and promote within the contemporary scene the Savoir/Saveur1 to discloses new horizons.
1. Le Savoir et la Saveur. Henri Pourrat et Le Trésor des contes