The format of Aesthetics get Synthetic: Knowledge Link through Art and Science is designed to integrate imagination, opinion forming and discussion. This page will be a bridge to the different activities of KLAS.
2020 November 1
Our friend and one of the first KLAS’ scientists passed away.
As an homage this text has been published Other Biology is possible. To Arren and his “non‐conformist approach to biotechnology”!
2020 January 9
Berlin goes SXSW KLAS will be part of the Berlin Saloon at the SXSW 2020!!
Thanks Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
2019 December 9
We have been invited to participate at the upcoming “Symposium on Art-Science Residencies – Methodologies and Experience Feedbacks” from the European Commission project VERTIGO @ Centre Pompidou, Paris, March 2-3, 2020
Looking forward to it!!
2019 November 26
Such an enriching experience to speak and engage in various dialogues during the forum ‘Non-trivial Relations Between Arts and Sciences’ directed by Professor Siegfried Zielinski and organized by the West Bund Art & Design and Fudan University Shanghai, China Thanks to all those that made it possible. Looking forward to many more events like this!
2019 November 22
Thrilled to participate at the Art & Design Education FutureLab – West Bund. The forum ‘Non-trivial Relations Between Arts and Sciences’ of Prof. Siegfried Zielinski has gathered amazing speakers. Our talk “The KLAS: Give ‘Em Enough Rope” (like London Calling) will dwell on the daring and rebellious sincerity of a group of people that made #KLAS what it is today. #Poesis & #Precision
An honour to be among those giants CERN, Centre Pompidou, Future-Everything, etc.
#sciences #maxplanck #art #research #education #sciart #BrainCityBerlin
2018 November 17
Great review of Otavio Schipper‘s work at Shin Gallery NY
2018 October 25
Golem by Otavio Schipper at Shin Gallery
Article by Mark Bloch on White Hot Magazine
2018 October 12
Golem by Otavio Schipper & Sergio Krakowski is now on show at Shin Gallery New York!
2018 October 12
The show at the Max Planck Campus Potsdam-Golm of Golem closes today. A great thank you to our artists and scientists for making this possible.
2018 October 10
Golem by Shipper Krakowski
Check out the work created by Otavio Schipper & Sergio Krakowski during their KLAS residency with Dr. Tom Robinson (and lab), Dr. Arren bar-Even (and lab). Awesome!
2018 October 10
Microfluidic Oracle Chip & Autopoesis Answering Machine
Check out the work developed by Agnes Meyer-Brandis in collaboration with the KLAS scientists Arren Bar-Even, Charles Cotton, Roland Knorr, Tom Robinson, Tina Seemann, Naresh Yandrapalli.
2018 September 27th
Otavio Schipper & Sergio Krakowski’s video installation at the German Association for Synthetic Biology, and a talk by KLAS co-founder Rodrigo Perez-Garcia on the future of Synthetic Biology at the interface with the arts.
On occasion of GASB II, taking place at the Harnack House (Berlin), 27-28 September 2018, KLAS artist-in-residence Otavio Schipper/Sergio Krakowski present their work Golem, a video installation and a short story by Stephen Berg.
Rodrigo Perez Garcia will talk about KLAS after the “Future-talks” touching on what could be the future of Synthetic Biology in the next 50 or so years!
2018 September 14th
The works of KLAS artists-in-residence are on view at the Max Planck Campus Potsdam-Golm on Occasion of the Max Planck Day.
2018 September 11th
2018 September 6th
Agnes Meyer-Brandis (Germany) and the duo Otavio Schipper & Sergio Krakowski (Brazil) present their work at the Max Planck Campus (Potsdam-Golm Science Park).
2018 September 5th
2018 August 31st
KLAS artists-in-residence will be showing their work at the MPI Campus on occasion of the Max Planck Day.
2018 August 18th
2018 April 14th
Founders Rodrigo Perez-Garcia and Caterina Benincasa write about KLAS in
“Wissen verbinden und vermehren”
2018 March 24th
Rodrigo Perez interviews Wolgang Knapp (Universität der Kunst, Berlin). On interdisciplinary projects and unanswered questions.
2018 March 20th
Great article about KLAS by Clara Martinez Perez
“We are nature’s unique experiment to make the rational intelligence prove itself sounder than the reflex. Knowledge is our destiny.”
With these words(1), the mathematician and poet Jacob Bronowksi identifies one of the most powerful drives for society through history: we are compelled to the understanding of the world around us and to transmit this understanding. The effort to represent and reveal more about our world has been shared by artistic creation and scientific research, and there is currently a growing tendency to recognize the linkages between the creative process underpinning arts and science. Words like “transdiciplinarity” and “unconventional thinking” resonate today in many of international programs for innovation and development
To continue reading, please click below.
“KLAS: An artist in residency program of the Max Planck Society”
2018 March 16th
Article by KLAS founders Rodrigo Perez-Garcia and Caterina Benincasa:
“Connecting and augmenting knowledge”
Preprint pdf available DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18721.51047
2018 March 2nd
Complete live-stream video of the KLAS Workshop (November 2017) now available
2018 February 18th
KLAS 1st podcast is published on Creative Disturbance. You can find it at
2018 February 6th
Very proud to collaborate with Elliot Steeples on this article for ChemistryViews !!
Art Bridging Science and Society
Thanks to Max Planck Society and Schering Stiftung and all other organizations that made KLAS workshop a reality.
2018 February 2nd
Otavio Schipper and Sergio Krakowski at pipaprize with their KLAS project! Promoting the research of the Max Planck Institutes of Golm and the RuG.
2018 January 30th
Great article about KLAS by Peter Hergersberg from the MPG in Munich.
2018 January 18th
Un puente entre Ciencia y Arte
Knowledge Link Through Art and Science (KLAS)
Thanks to Patricio Burbano for this inspiring article on the Wall Street International Magazine
2017 December 1st
Thanks to Rüdiger Braun from MAZ for the article!
2017 November 30th
The first KLAS workshop was a great success. Thank You all that made it possible!
We are hugely indebted to @maxplanckpress @ScheringStiftg @UNESCO @DAAD_Germany @univgroningen @ERES_Stiftung and all the participants! Thanks for your positive feedback. #art & #science #steam #collaboration #dialogue #openaccess to knowledge #citizenscience
2017 November 28th
Second and last day of the KLAS Workshop. Proud to have such fantastic participants and attendees, and don’t miss out the fantastic posters presented in the Foyer. A big thanks to everyone who is making this wonderful get-together take place!
2017 November 27th
The KLAS workshop starting today at the Max Planck Campus Potsdam-Golm.
Live-stream available for those who cannot attend!
2017 October 28th
Delighted to have co-founder Rodrigo Perez-Garcia present the KLAS project and discuss aspects of art-science collaborations at the Sonification Festival, Berlin.
Check out the livestream at
2017 October 10th
We are extremely honoured to confirm that Prof. Helga Nowotny is joining KLAS program as advisor. She has been a source inspiration and to be able to count with her support is a great privilege.
2017 September 30th
KLAS to be discussed at the “Visions in Science” conference 2017!
Rodrigo Perez-Garcia and Caterina Benincasa will be participating at the Visions in Science conference (Harnack House, Berlin), bringing in benefits and challenges of art-science collaborations and interaction.
2017 September 27th
“In general I think that in an area like synthetic biology, with all its possible questions about life and being human, collaborations between scientists, artists and society are not only interesting but needed. It is an area where artists can indeed help to foresee the psychological and sociological consequences of synthetic biological research and related technologies…. [KLAS is] an exciting proposal in an exciting field.”
Frank Raes on KLAS, September 2017
2017 September 14th
Call for Posters!
Selected posters will be on view throughout the two-days workshop. Their presentation will take place at 16h on Tuesday 28th of November.
For submission, follow the link to registration:
2017 September 14th
Registration is Open!
We are pleased to announce that registration for the first KLAS Workshop “AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC: Knowledge Link Through Art & Science” is now open and can be accessed from the following link:
2017 August 28th
Siegfried Zielinski (UdK, Berlin) in “Subterrestrial – Terrestrial – Superterrestrial” in the 2015 Catalogue “Agnes Meyer-Brandis Out of Subsurdum”
2017 July 9th
MUTIK to visit the MPI and discuss with KLAS founders tomorrow, 10 July 2017.
MUTIK and KLAS to discuss transdisciplinary and transgenerational knowledge exchange in the context of school education in Germany. Looking forward to learn more about their activities and to start this mutual collaboration interweaving passions and artistic and scientific curiosity for the future of education.
Check out MUTIK’s many projects here
2017 July 6th
First days of close collaboration between Alex de Vries and Agnes Meyer-Brandis.
Simulations are running!
2017 July 6th
„Menschen fürchten das Unbekannte,“ KLAS embraze it!
We are very glad of this article of Mr. Rüdiger Braun for MAZ. Read it full here.
2017 July 6th
The first week of Otavio has passed, but a lot of interesting encounters & interactions took place! Check it out!
2017 July 6th
Wandering with Otavio Schipper.
“Walking is a luxury in the West. Very few people, particularly in cities, are obliged to do much of it at all. Cars, bicycles, buses, trams, and trains all beckon.
Instead, walking for any distance is usually a planned leisure activity. Or a health aid. Something to help people lose weight. Or keep their fitness. But there’s something else people get from choosing to walk. A place to think.” BBC
Relax chat while wandering around Potsdam: firsts interactions between Tom Robinson and Charlie Cotton with KLAS first artist in resident(!)
2017 July 5th
Announcing the KLAS awardees
Agnes Meyer-Brandis (Germany) and the duo Otavio Schipper and Sergio Krakowski (Brazil) have been selected to participate in the artist-in-residence program KLAS (press release)
2017 May 30th
by Thomas Rosenthal, Eventfotografie
FUN! KLAS participated at the 5th Science Day in Potsdam, and it was much fun! Thank you to all those visited our stand for your inquiring interest, it was great to share our experiences with you. Thank you so much, Dr . Afroditi Doriti, for taking care of the KLAS stand, introducing the project and our fantastic artists. A whole sunny day spent with the young ones exploring the crazy behaviour of nature and science and….and the inquisitive doings of artists. Unleash your creativity and critical mind 🙂 Looking forward to more, soon!
2017 Apr. 12th
The selection of the finalists will be announced in the following days!! The two awardees KLAS_AiR 2017 are…
Tomás Saraceno (Architect, artist, performer); Jens Hauser (Arts and Cultural Studies and Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen); Alessandra Pace (Contemporary art consultant, curator); Andrew Pelling (Canada Research Chair Physics and Biology, University of Ottawa); Josep Perelló (Fundamental Physics, University of Barcelona); Nicola Triscott (Cultural producer, curator and writer, Director of Arts Catalyst) and Nathalie Singer (Experimental Radio, Bauhaus University – Weimar).
2017 Apr. 1st
Saturday, May 13th. Main hall of the MPI campus from 15h to 19h
KLAS will present its activities at the Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften
Pass by and question us!
2017 March 3rd
Wim Mertens, guest artist!
Wim Mertens has been invited to visit the Max Planck Institutes in Potsdam-Golm for a day, explore the laboratories of KLAS scientists and exchange ideas, aspirations and dreams with researchers and interestees.
2017 Jan. 31st
Today is the last day to submit an application to KLAS_AiR.
Also we would like to make you aware that the FB page of KLAS is now online and running
2017 Jan. 30th
Wolfgang Knapp, guest scholar!
Wolfgang Knapp (Universität der Kunst, Berlin) will be visiting the Institute tomorrow to discuss his own work at the interface of artistic and scientific practice.
2017 Jan. 10th
MAZ article about #KLAS_AiR –
Article by Mr Rüdiger Braun, []
2016 Dec. 19th
Artist-in-Residence program at the Max Planck Institutes of Molecular Plant Physiology and Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam starts in 2017
MPIKG press release
KLAS-Team, from left to right: Rodrigo Perez-Garcia (MPIKG/TU-Berlin), Dr. Tom Robinson (MPIKG), Katja Schulze (MPIKG), Dr. Arren Bar-Even (MPIMP)
Dec. 14th
The web is online.
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