Synthetic Biology
Synthetic Biology (SynBio) is a relatively young discipline that is changing profoundly the way biotechnology will be performed in the future.
It offers an extraordinary opportunity to take a fresh look at longstanding concerns, such as energy production, pollution and even the origin of life. And yet like other emerging scientific areas, SynBio encounters certain troubles. For instance, a clear description of its status quo or a comprehensive valuation of its plural potential. SynBio has an interdisciplinary approach that aims to improve existing biological systems. It also aims to generate new systems that do not occur in nature. The list of its potential applications is virtually endless and most of these applications tangent the core of biological life on earth.

tRNA: transference RNA. It serves as the physical link between the mRNA and the amino acid sequence of proteins
Emerging biotechnologies operate at the threshold of technological innovation and public expectations. They have gained growing attention in recent decades. Scientists and policy-makers consider them pivotal for areas which include the production of food and energy. They are also very present in the pharmaceutical industry, new smart material, etc.
Currently, synthetic biology represents one of the most modern and exciting fields of science, whereby experts still dispute the exact boundaries of SynBio. It is very important to ensure that where society does back up a development, it does so by having made a broad enough assessment of the benefits and risks, with realistic expectations and to the likely benefits and limitations of the science. With this in mind, we thought about methods of engaging scientists into communicating their science to society. AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC proposes interviews, events, participative discussions and tours for young students. It additionally probes artists’ critical/creative perspective on the science they explore.
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