Max Planck Venues
The Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
was founded in 1992. Research in Colloid and Interface Science is widely covered by the following Departments: Biomaterials, Biomolecular Systems, Colloid Chemistry and Theory & Bio-Systems, the Max Planck Research Group Mechano(bio)chemistry and the Emeritus Group (Interfaces). Current research topics are polymeric films, membranes, microcapsules, organic and inorganic nanostructures, biomineralization, nano- and microreactors, molecular motors and filaments as well as chemistry and biology of carbohydrates.
Biomimetic research is at the core of the Institute’s activity. Common goal is to learn from nature how to build hierarchical materials or active systems with new functionalities, with adaptive, self-healing or self-assembling properties.
Dr. Tom Robinson is affiliated with this institute.
The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology
founded in 1994, as one of 18 institutes on the territory of the former GDR. The founding director was Prof. Dr. Lothar Willmitzer, currently director of one of the three departments which have been established since then. From originally only 16 employees the institute grew into a large institute, which now employs about 360 people from all over the world, who put their combined efforts into elucidating the secrets of plants.
Since the institute was founded, its main emphasis has shifted from the analysis of central metabolic pathways combined with the analysis of gene function to the development and implementation of phenotyping technologies and system approaches. This Systems Biology approach is driven by a close interaction between experimental and computational scientists who work side by side in the institute.
Dr. Arren Bar-Even is affiliated with this institute.