Category: Uncategorized
KLAS artists-in-residence Agnes Meyer-Brandis and Otavio Schipper/Sergio Krakowski present their work at Max Planck Campus
You are cordially invited to KLAS@MPI a presentation of the works by KLAS artists-in-residence Agnes Meyer-Brandis Otavio Schipper & Sergio Krakowski Tuesday, September 11th, 13:30-15:00 The exhibited works will remain on view until October 12th, 2018 Venue MPI Campus Potsdam-Golm Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam Opening Tuesday 11 SeptemberRead More
workshop impressions
The first KLAS workshop was a great success. Thank You all that made it possible! We are very satisfied that the selected topic resonate with some of the big questions that are happening in our social, political and economic context. KLAS took a deep dive into a particular topic ofRead More
Call for posters!
The KLAS Workshop “AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC” taking place on November 27th-28th, 2017 includes a poster session! Selected posters will be on view throughout the next KLAS #ArtSci workshop. Their presentation will take place at 16h on Tuesday 28th of November. For submission, follow the link to registration: Check theRead More
KLAS Workshop @ MPI *November 27th/28th, 2017
We are pleased to announce that registration for the first KLAS Workshop “AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC: Knowledge Link Through Art & Science” is now open and can be accessed from the following link: The workshop is an opportunity to bring together scholars and practitioners to jointly discuss and reflect onRead More

We are proud to announce the “AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC” workshop that will take place in the Main hall of the Max Planck Campus in Potsdam-Golm the afternoon of Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th of November 2017. MORE INFO IN THE LINK: Workshop AESTHETICS get SYNTHETIC: Knowledge Link Through ArtRead More
Agnes Meyer-Brandis and Alex de Vries at RuG
Two weeks of busy and ingenious collaboration. KLAS Artist-in-Residence at the RuG Molecular Dynamics group Dr. Alex de Vries is one of the fathers of the Martini force field for the GROMACS software suite. Martini is a coarse-grain force field. It is suited for molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecular systems.Read More
First Residence Days with Otavio Schipper
[FGAL id=756] The original project they have submitted to KLAS Residency Program involves the study of how sound can influence the behavior of bacteria. The main initial idea was to establish a certain kind of communication between human beings and bacteria, that would happen through sound. They strongly believeRead More
Agnes Meyer-Brandis and duo Otavio Schipper/Sergio Krakowski first KLAS Artists in Resident
Agnes Meyer-Brandis (Germany) and the duo Otavio Schipper and Sergio Krakowski (Brazil) have been selected to participate in the artist-in-residence program KLAS Within KLAS – “Knowledge Link through Art and Science” – the Max Planck Institutes of Colloids and Interfaces and Molecular Plant Physiology invite for the first timeRead More
Nathalie Singer – AiR jury
Professor of Experimental Radio at the Bauhaus University, Weimar, Nathalie’s main interest have always been the creation of bridges between different countries as well as the artistic and sensual communication of new ideas by the use of diverse media. Singer was born in Munich as a child of aRead More
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